


  • Normal fee: 14,5 € / run
  • Fee for juniors (born 2006 or later): 50% off
    All 8 runs: 100 € / team

    Please note this is price is for a team / 8 runs, meaning one handler can't divide the discount price for multiple dogs
  • Bank name: Janakkalan Osuuspankki
  • Bank adress: Harvialantie 7, 14200 Turenki, Finland
  • Account number: IBAN: FI87 5078 0820 0387 56, BIC: OKOYFIHH
  • Reference number: 9 08241

If you have any questions please email us:


Information about the competition area: 

Kiianlinnantie 11, 14200 Turenki, FINLAND

Arena (indoor): Saltex artificial turf POLAR 60mm filled with sand 10mm and cork 30mm

Outdoor fields: Stone dust

To the "Competition area" page