Janakkala Open J0 Championships

Janakkala Open J(ump)0 Championships 10.8.2024


Course is build with jumps and tunnels, maximum of 15 obstacles.
Based on compbined results of two courses, we'll reward the Janakkala Open 2024 J0 Champions!

Judges Mona Liljegren and Marko Mäkelä!

Two runs cost 15 euros, for not officially competing dogs, minimum age 12 months.

Three height classes:
- Small, jumps 10cm
- Medium, jumps 25 cm
- Large, jumps 35cm


Registration is now open!





You can pay in cash when you come or pay directly to Janakkalan Koirakerho bank account:

  • Bank name: Janakkalan Osuuspankki
  • Bank adress: Harvialantie 7, 14200 Turenki, Finland
  • Account number: IBAN: FI87 5078 0820 0387 56, BIC: OKOYFIHH
  • Reference number: 10 08202 45000

Registration open until 31.07.2024

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