The adress of the JANKK-Areena is Kiianlinnantie 11, 14200 Turenki, Finland.


Located about 1 hour away from Helsinki and also 1 hour away from Tampere!


Unfortunately our booking site is in Finnish, so please if you want to book the hall or one of it's fields, send us an email to: jankk.areena(at)!

The Arena


Arena has Saltex artificial turf POLAR 60mm filled with sand 10mm and cork 30mm.

The toilets can be found inside the arena. One of them is an invalid toilet, and it has a nursing table. The tap water in the arena is drinkable. 

In winter (1.9.-30.4.) the Arena is devided in 3 fields - about 19x20m each and in the summertime it's devided in two fields - 28x20m each. It is possible to book one or two fields or the entire hall. The fences are light to carry.

The hall is rented out for dog sport training and competitions. We have equipment for agility, hoopers, obedience and rally obedience (signs in Finnish and FCI).

We also have a kitchen/cafeteria equipped with electric stove, dishwasher, fridge and microwave and projector.


Outdoor fields


We have also outdoor fields in use at the summer time (from May till August). They are stone dust.


Warming up routes


Here are some suggestions for warming up routes, they have been marked with yellow. The hillside on the left side of the arena goes to a private area, so going to this area must be avoided (marked with red). The dogs must be kept on leash at the competition area and near it. Please don't let your dog go on our neighbours yards and always pick up their doings (aka poop) from everywhere. If you have forgotten your poopbag home, we have some at the registration.

Warming up route next to the arena
Longer warming up route